The Hike starts and ends at the Crystal Palace in Perth
Routes are 1.5 or 5 km through downtown Perth
Sunday morning, June 2, 2024
9:00: Check-in and last minute registration
9:30: Welcoming remarks
9:45: Warm-up
10:00: Hike starts
Sign-up to run or walk
Choose between a 1.5km and 5km route
Collect pledges from friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours
Register as an individual or as part of a team
Use our How-To Guide for help with registration, creating or joining a team, recording donations, and more
- Can't make it June 2? Click here to learn about how you can participate virtually.
- Download a printable Donation Form to record all cash & cheque donations
- Need ideas for getting pledges? Click here for Fundraising Tips & Tricks
need help with Canada Helps?
Refer to our How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to:
Register as an Individual
Create a Team
Join a Team
Edit / Manage your Page
Add Cash & Cheque Donations
Make an Online Donation
Are you interested in volunteering on Hike for Hospice day, June 2? We are looking for guides and crossing guards to direct hikers, help at the check-in and registration desk and withmanaging the water station on the 5 km route. There are various other tasks required in and around the Crystal Palace. Please contact thh.Lynne@gmail.com

get donations
tips for asking others to support the hike for hospice
Think about why you are supporting the Hospice in your community. Share this with others and be ready to listen to how the Hospice will make your donors’ lives easier.
Ask for a specific dollar amount rather than letting the donor decide.
Make it easy for people to give you money. Offer to pick up cheques from people.
Whether someone tells you yes or no, you have the ability to accomplish something with a “Thank you.” You can either acknowledge their generosity and support, or you can leave the door open for the future.
Show your commitment! Start by making your own donation of $25, $50 or more.
Set up your personal fundraising page and unlock the fundraising tools you need to get the word out today.
Send emails from your personal Hike fundraising page to ask for support and give your friends a safe and secure way to make a donation.
Ask your company/sports group/church/favourite business to support you.
Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the word out - #HikeforHospicePerth
People want to support a good cause—they just need to be asked!
in-kind sponsors
thank you for your support

Hike for Hospice
Hike on Your Own
Can't make it on June 2nd? Hike on your own anytime during the month of May
Walk in your neighbourhood
Explore a new hiking trail
Visit a place that reminds you of a loved one who has passed
Register online to Hike for Hospice
Collect pledges from friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours
Register as an individual or as part of a team
Use our How-To Guide for help with registration, creating or joining a team, recording donations, and more
- Need ideas for getting pledges? Click here for Fundraising Tips & Tricks
- Download a printable Donation Form to record all cash & cheque donations
need help with Canada Helps?
Refer to our How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to:
Register as an Individual
Create a Team
Join a Team
Edit / Manage your Page
Add Cash & Cheque Donations
Make an Online Donation