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Hike for Hospice

be the help you'll need

Join us on June 2nd and make every step count!

Goal: $50,000

hiker of the week

L&J Toivanen


Barbara Toivanen, a public health nurse and then a nursing instructor, was instrumental in starting hospice care in Barrie ON when she retired there. At her funeral, earlier this year, many attended because they worked with her in initiating that project, were trained for hospice care by her in her home or continued the organization's work after she moved away. They were grateful for the time and care she spent in initiating what is now Hospice Simcoe, a complete palliative service with a building facility.

When she died her family found comfort and care at Margaret Bahen Hospice in New Market ON. where we met to bid her loving farewell.

This is why we walk, hoping Perth and area residents can find the same comfort in their bereavement when needed and their dying loved ones such peaceful and tender care.

The goal of our first Hike for Hospice is to raise much needed funds and awareness for hospice palliative care in Perth, Smiths Falls, Portland, Westport and surrounding areas.


the hospice hub will ensure that our people receive the home support, grief and bereavement, advanced care planning or spiritual care that they need.


All the funds raised will stay in our community.

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Route Options
choose your route
Join us in Perth on June 2

Collect pledges and walk or run your choice of a 5 km or 1.5 km route in downtown Perth. Register as an individual or better yet, form a team of family, friends, or colleagues and get some friendly rivalries going!

Can't make it June 2?
Hike throughout the month of May.

Complete your online registration, get sponsors to commit to supporting your walk/run, and log your walks or runs wherever or whenever you can throughout May

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the funds you raise will help us:
  • Provide person-centered care to those living with a life-limiting illness in Perth, Smiths Falls, Portland, Westport and the surrounding areas

  • Provide care to clients wherever they call home, at no cost to them or their families

  • Host events and workshops to educate and raise awareness about hospice palliative care

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